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«… sensational performance (Schumann‘s 4th Symphony), which is a par of the exemplary recordings of Gardiner and Harnoncourt. »

– Mindener Tageblatt 

«Fresh interpretations breathe new life »

– Philip Clark – Grammophone on Kevin Griffiths and the London Steve Reich Ensemble


«The audience of the museum society was captivated and convinced of the way that Griffiths combined accuracy and swinging elegance in his conducting.»

– Frankfurter Neue Presse

«The strength of his conducting lies in creating a very soft sound, which gains in beauty in piano and pianissimo, and to which the orchestra finds its way quickly back to after a vigorous climax.»

– Fabian Kristmann BaZ

«Kevin Griffiths excelled at the Museumskonzert in the Alte Oper Frankfurt with Sibelius and Mendelssohn.»

– Frankfurter Neue Presse

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